Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency following acute pancreatitis

One out of four patients with acute pancreatitis (27.1%) develop pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI)  during follow-up, as showed by a systematic review and study level meta-analysis published in Pancreatology. The research included 32 studies and 1495 patients with acute pancreatitis, tested at a mean of 36 months after index admission.

Alcoholic etiology (22.7%), severe (33.4%) and necrotizing (32%) pancreatitis were associated with higher frequency of PEI, as evaluated by fecal elastase-1 levels.

These patients should benefit from substitution therapy after the AP bout. Periodic reassessment is recommended in this setting as the prevalence of PEI may change during follow-up of these patients.

Reference: Hollemans RA, et al. Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency following acute pancreatitis: Systematic review and study level meta-analysis. Pancreatology 2018; 18(3):253 – 262.

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